Work and Industry The crew of Berwick’s lifeboat on the slipway of the lifeboat house in Spittal. (1952) BRO 1944-1-177-3 The staff of Berwick’s branch of F.W. Woolworth pose on the roof of the shop in Marygate. (1954) BRO 1944-1-599-1 The miners of the Blackhill Colliery, just outside Berwick, emerge from the pit for the final time. After a hard fought campaign to save the mine, it closed on the 20th February 1959. (20th February 1959) BRO-1944-1-2273-2 The staff of Berwick Shipyard stand in front of the soon to be completed vessel ‘Lorenzo’. The shipyard operated on the Quayside until April 1979. (14th Feb 1977) BRO 1944-1-6773-21 Slide 1 Slide 1 (current slide) Slide 2 Slide 2 (current slide) Slide 3 Slide 3 (current slide) Slide 4 Slide 4 (current slide)